Home News & Announcements

Job Opening Animal Control Officer/Inspector of Animals

The Town of Wales is seeking applicants for the part time position of Animal Control Officer/Inspector of Animals.  This position works... more ››

Job Opening Senior Center Outreach Worker

The Town of Wales is seeking applicants for the part time position of Outreach Worker.  This position works under the direct supervision of... more ››

A vacancy currently exists on the Board of Assessors

The members of the Board of Selectmen and the Board of Assessors are seeking a registered voter of the town to perform the duties of the... more ››

Vote-By-Mail Ballots

Wales Residents!!! Vote-by-Mail ballots will be circulating later this week. Our local special election ballots will not be delivered until... more ››

FY25 Transfer Station Permits available July 8th

Transfer station permits will be available beginning on Monday, July 8th at the Town Offices located at 3 Hollow Road from... more ››

Job Opening DPW Director

The Town of Wales, MA seeks a qualified professional to fill the full time (40 hours per week) position of DPW Director.

2024 Annual Town Report

Click here to view or download and print the Town of Wales Annual... more ››

Job Openings Call Firefighter

The Wales Fire Department is seeking motivated individuals to serve as call firefighters.  No experience necessary. Click... more ››

Preschool Registration OPEN 2024-2025

Please click here to view... more ››

Code Red Enrollment

Signing up for our emergency notification system is as simple as sending our keyword, walesmaalerts to 99411... more ››

2023 Annual Town Report

Click here to view or download and print the Town of Wales... more ››

Inclement Weather Policy

Inclement Weather Policy

The Town’s established policy with regard to inclement weather remains in effect. In the event that the Tantasqua Regional School District... more ››

Historical Commission awarded $98,000 in Development Funds

Did you hear the good news? The Historical Commission was awarded $98,000 from the Massachusetts Rural and Small Town Development... more ››

Annual Town Election Results

The Polls were open at the Senior Center from noon to 8 p.m. and 86 voters came and checked in using the new electronic system.There was... more ››

2022 Annual Town Report

Click here to view or download and print the Town of Wales... more ››

Report from the Annual Town Meeting May 18, 2022

The Annual Town Meeting was held on Wednesday, May 18, 2022 at 6PM at the Tantasqua Regional High School Auditorium.Click... more ››

Free Home COVID Tests

The Town of Wales has a limited number of free COVID tests available. 

FY22 Property Values Are Available

The Board of Assessors have posted the FY22 Certified Property Assessments.To read the Assessors Notice, hours, and contact information,... more ››

Annual Town Meeting Minutes and Budget

To see what took place at the Annual Town Meeting, read the... more ››

FY22 Transfer Station Permits

Transfer Station permits are sold at the Town Offices located at 3 Hollow Road from the Select Board's Executive Secretary during regular... more ››
