Job Opening Animal Control Officer/Inspector of Animals »

The Town of Wales is seeking applicants for the part time position of Animal Control Officer/Inspector of Animals. ...

Job Opening Senior Center Outreach Worker »

The Town of Wales is seeking applicants for the part time position of Outreach Worker.  This position works under the...

A vacancy currently exists on the Board of Assessors »

The members of the Board of Selectmen and the Board of Assessors are seeking a registered voter of the town to perform...

Vote-By-Mail Ballots »

Wales Residents!!! Vote-by-Mail ballots will be circulating later this week. Our local special election ballots will...

FY25 Transfer Station Permits available July 8th »

Transfer station permits will be available beginning on Monday, July 8th at the Town Offices located...

Town Hall, 3 Hollow Road
PO Box 834, Wales, MA 01081 
Phone (413) 245-7571 
| Fax (413) 245-3261

To see more details or to send a message to one of the below contacts, click on the Position, which will take you to their webpage. You may also contact the office at the phone number listed. Meetings are held at the Senior Center or theTown Office, unless otherwise noted.


Town Clerk

Sarah Ryan(413) 245-7571 Ext. 101 

Executive Secretary

Pamela Leduc(413) 245-7571 Ext. 100(413) 245-3261

Tax Collector

Rebecca Smith(413) 245-7571 Ext. 106 


Pamela A. Leduc(413) 245-7571 Ext. 100 

Treasurer has no webpage, please call him

Rod Kincaid(413) 245-7571 Ext. 102 

Police Chief

Thomas J. Ford (413) 245-6030 (non-emergency)(413) 245-6047

Fire Chief

John Croke(413) 245-7695 (non-emergency) 

Deputy Fire Chief

Jody Bennett(413) 245-7695 (non-emergency) 

Fire Inspector

Jody Bennett(413) 668-6844 

Highway Department

Chris Ryan(413) 245-7494 

Finance Committee

Jessica Miller(413) 245-7571 Ext. 120 

Capital Improvements Planning Committee 

Michael Valanzola(413) 245-7571 

Senior Center

Cheri Fisher(413) 245-9683(413) 245-1094

Veteran's Services

Gerard Rathe(413) 640-0547 

Board of Assessors

Leon Givner(413) 245-7571 Ext. 103 

Library Director

Nancy Baer(413) 245-9072(413) 245-9098

Animal Control Officer

Gary Wilson(413) 237-6945 

Board of Health

David Foote(413) 245-7571 Ext. 105 

Zoning Board of Appeals

Joel Jette(413) 245-7571 Ext. 108 

Planning Board

Sarah Ryan(413) 245-7571 Ext. 108 

Building Inspector

Bill Cantell(413) 237-5803 

Gas & Plumbing Inspector

Rich Buccelli508-864-2875 

Electrical Inspector

Scot Mansfield(413) 245-7571 Ext. 124(413) 245-3261

Conservation Committee

Robert Herbert(413) 245-7571 Ext. 108 

Parks Commission

JoAnne Higgins(413) 245-7571  

Recreation Committee

Nicole Croteau(774) 230-9665 

Tree Warden has no webpage, please call him

Ronald Anderson(413) 219-6407 

Transfer Station

Board of Selectmen(413) 245-7571 Ext. 100 

Local Cable Access

Rod Kincaid(413) 267-5111 

Cemetery Commission

Bill Anair(413) 245-7147 

School Committee

Christine Randall