BOH Meeting

Event Date: 
Wednesday, December 8, 2021 - 5:00pm

Pursuant to Governor Baker’s March 12, 2020 Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A, §18, and the Governor’s March 15, 2020 Order imposing strict limitation on the number of people that may gather in one place, this meeting of the Wales Board of Health is being conducted via remote participation. No in-person attendance of members of the public will be permitted, but every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceedings in real time. In the event that we are unable to do so, despite best efforts, we will post on the Town of Wales website an audio or video recording, transcript, or other comprehensive record of proceedings as soon as possible after the meeting. 

GoToMeeting Phone Conferencing

Dial in using your phone and please set to MUTE.

United States: +1 (571) 317-3112

Access Code: 391-542-437

If you wish to be placed on the agenda for this meeting, please contact the BOH office by the prior Thursday.  Walk-ins will be attended to as time allows. Thank you.